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Who We Are and What We Do

Learn more about our community and objectives.

Our Community

The Media and Information Literacy Community of Practice is a collective of people and organisations working together to highlight the importance of media and information literacy skills to society or improve skills in these areas. 

Media and Information literacy are cornerstones of learning and essential in this digital age.

They support learning and decision making in all areas of human activity: education from early years through school to higher education, the workplace, adult and lifelong learning and skills development.

It supports people to make informed choices about health care, to develop new skills both professionally and personally, and it gives citizens the information they need to make informed decisions about the future of their country.

The Community of Practice is open to everyone both within and outside the information profession, primarily based in Scotland but also beyond. It is for anyone who is interested in media and/or information literacy and associated skills and competencies.


milcop community timeline

Our Website

This website acts as an archive of material gathered by the former Information Literacy Community of Practice (2012-2023) and the Scottish Information Literacy Project (pre 2012).

It will also act as a place for new posts and resources created by the community.

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