Privacy Policy
Committed to protecting your personal information and your right to privacy
1. Introduction
Welcome to the Media and Information Literacy Community of Practice (MILCoP). We are committed to protecting your personal information and your right to privacy.
This document explains how personal data is collected, used, and protected by MILCoP.
2. Information We Collect
The Scottish Media and Information Literacy Community of Practice (MILCoP) collects personal data in order to inform its members and others of its actions, and of items of potential interest to such people.
The Data Protection Act 1998 regulates how MILCoP uses personal information you provide. Personal information includes details such as your name and email address. (MILCoP does not any other personal information.)
3. Sharing your information
MILCoP meetings are considered public records – they will be minuted and archived in line with CILIP Scotland’s relevant policies, and may be made available to the general public via MILCoP’s website.
If made available to the public, these versions will only record the names of MILCoP’s chair and secretary and any invited speakers. (Member-only versions will include the names of all attendees and apologies for absence.)
MILCoP will never share members’ and visitors’ email addresses apart from the official email addresses of its office-bearers.
There may be occasions where the law requires MILCoP to pass information about you to the police or other law enforcement agencies. (This has not occurred as of 14 August 2024.)
It may not be possible to advise you of this in these instances. Information will only be shared in these circumstances if it meets the criteria set out in the Data Protection Act 1998 or other relevant legislation.
4. Your information rights
You have the right to make a request to get a copy of the personal information that MILCoP holds about you.
You can also ask MILCoP to correct your personal information if it is incorrect.
You can contact MILCoP for details about how to do this.
People responsible for data protection issues Bruce Ryan (MILCoP secretary), Sean Mcnamara (MILCoP chair)
Contact Emails:
5. Use of cookies
MILCoP wants to make services it delivers on the internet easy, and its content richer and relevant.
This sometimes involves placing cookies on your computer or mobile device.
Cookies are simple pieces of data stored on your device(s). They are safe as they cannot be used to spread viruses.
Cookies used by LCCC cannot be used to identify you personally because no personal information such as telephone numbers or email addresses is in these cookies.
See https://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Cookies for the cookies used by MILCoP’s website.
6. Links to other websites
This Privacy Notice only covers MILCoP’s website.
MILCoP does not give any guarantees about the accuracy of the content or the security of any other website that you may access through a link on MILCoP’s website.
If you visit other websites you should read their Privacy Notices covering the use of personal information.