Good to see Information literacy is for life, not just for a good degree by Dr Charles Inskip a lecturer at UCL’s Department of Information Studies and a member of CILIP’s Information Literacy Project Board.
In addition to the information on the web page there is a literature review which includes work by John Crawford and I.
Charles would like to know:
- Have you been involved in teaching or researching workplace information literacy skills?
- What do you think are the main challenges around this area?
Let him and the CILIP Information Literacy Project Board know your comments via the web page.
About CILIP’s Information Literacy Project Board
“The main objective of the Information Literacy Project is for CILIP to be seen as a key stakeholder and participant in information literacy across a range of domains. Digital inclusion continues as an important issue for the project but information literacy in the workplace is a new area which we have just started to explore. Charlie Inskip’s literature review is a first step towards understanding this interesting area and our exploration will continue with an information literacy in the workplace event towards the end of the year.
Originally added by Christine Irving