Personal Learning Networks

An item about ‘Personal learning networks‘ in LinkedIn caught my eye this morning, I followed up and it took me to the IRISS blog about using social media for workplace knowledge sharing and learning and a blog posting by Ian Watson called Just do it! Social media in the workplace

Over the last couple of years I have been increasingly using social media for work / projects I have been involved in, including Twitter and LinkedIn. I know that it has widened my professional network and my learning. I hadn’t thought of it as building my personal learning network.

If you are or would like to build your personal learning network then have a look at the IRISS site ‘Building your personal learning network‘ as it says

“People who can seek new information, make sense of it, and share it with their colleagues will be an asset to any work team”.

Interestingly I subsequently read an email by Ian Watson to the CoP highlitghing this item. My networks including social media and good old fashioned email seem to be working for me and my learning.

Originally added by Christine Irving

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